February 26, 2010

City of Lafayette extends deadline of Public Art Project - Call for Artists

The City of Lafayette is extending the deadline for proposals from artists for public art within the Arts & Cultural District of Downtown Lafayette, Indiana.   At the urging of interested area artists the City is adding 60 days to the original deadline and will accept proposals now through April 30th at 4:00PM.

Four pieces of artwork will be selected by the Public Art Committee with the goal of adding to the City's permanent public art collections. Artists are encourage to be creative in their selection of materials while considering safety and maintenance common to publicly accessible works of art. Artists are also encouraged take into consideration the unique architectural or cultural history of Lafayette. All proposals are due at the Community Development and Redevelopment office in City Hall by April 30th, 2010, 4:00pm. For the complete submission information: http://www.lafayette.in.gov/egov/docs/1266506986_161895.pdf  Call 765-807-1090 or e-mail mdeverall@lafayette.in.gov for additional information.

February 11, 2010

Art Mix Call for Entries

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is seeking artists to participate in Art Mix, an event to showcase arts and artists within our region. The Art Mix kick off party is scheduled for April 17th, from 7:00 to 10:00pm at Black Sparrow in downtown Lafayette.  Artwork will be in three downtown venues for three weeks for patrons to view and purchase.  A minimum of $5000 in Purchase Awards will be awarded during Art Mix. Commitments from all artists interested in participating are due by March 13, 2010.

For more information and the Artist Commitment Form, visit: http://www.tippecanoearts.org/callsforentry/Art%20Mix-Artists-inside.pdf.

Designs for Mural Requested

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is requesting design proposals for a mural. The site identified for the mural is on North River Road, behind Spurlocks West Restaurant in West Lafayette, Indiana. This is a paid opportunity for a qualified artist or team of artists working collaboratively to create a design. The Artist(s) chosen for the project will work collaboratively with area at-risk and underserved youth to execute the design.

The Mural Art Initiative is a collaborative educational outreach program that serves area at-risk and underserved youth populations. The three primary objectives of this multi-faceted program are to: beautify community areas vandalized by graffiti, visually promote the clear benefit of arts in our community, and provide a life-long positive impact on all project participants.

The application and additional information are available at http://www.tippecanoearts.org/callsforentry/RequestforProposalMuralWall.pdf. All proposals are due by 5:00pm, March 12, 2010 to:

Tippecanoe Arts Federation
638 North St
Lafayette, IN 47901

All questions regarding the proposal should be directed to Tetia Lee at tetial@tippecanoearts.org or (765) 423-2787.

The Mural Art Initiative is made possible through the generous sponsorship of PEFCU, Community Foundation, and Indiana Arts Commission.