November 1, 2010

2012 Gallery Deadline Coming

Friday night was the last Gallery Opening of 2010.  The year has flown by again.  We are looking ahead to to the future... 2012.  If you have ever thought of showing in our galleries, get your images ready and application together because the deadline for 2012 Exhibition Series Applications is next week.  Don't miss out on your opportunity to exhibit in the Tippecanoe Arts Federation Galleries in 2012!  The TAF Gallery Committee is now accepting applications for visual art exhibitions in the Wells Community Cultural Center galleries.  All applications are due next Friday, November 12, 2010 by 5:00pm (est).  Applicants will be submitting to exhibit during the 2012 calendar year.

All artists, art groups, arts organizations, and schools from the Region IV counties are eligible to submit an application and electronic portfolio for panel review. Those located in the following counties are eligible to apply: Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Howard, Jasper, Montgomery, Newton, Pulaski, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Warren, and White.

Applications and guidelines can be found on the TAF website at  For more information about the TAF Gallery program, contact Paige Sharp, Director of Arts Education and Regional Services at or 765-423-2787.

October 18, 2010

ASAP Partners with Big Brothers Big Sisters

How much fun is this?  We are taking ASAP on the road.  Earlier this month, Purdue Beat Society visited the Boys and Girls Club.  Now, we are teaming up with Big Brothers Big Sisters.  

Tuesday, October 19th at the Morton Community Center in West Lafayette, volunteer artist Gail Johnston will lead a group of Big Brothers Big Sisters, or "Bigs and Littles" in an exciting clay class.  The class, offered as a meaningful activity for volunteer mentors and their young partners, is a new expanded component of the Tippecanoe Arts Federation After School Arts Program (ASAP). 

Bethany Shaw, Case Manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wabash Valley recently heard about the ASAP program at an Our Kids meeting held at the Community and Family Resource Center.  She quickly called TAF to inquire about a possible partnership. 

Paige Sharp, who directs the ASAP program, worked with Shaw to construct a tailor-suited class.  "TAF was happy to find a way to build this new partnership into the ASAP program, working with Big Brothers Big Sisters deepens the program's impact while meeting community cultural planning goals," said Sharp.  All artwork created in the clay class will be included in the ASAP Exhibition which opens Friday, December 10th from 5-7pm.

"Everyone I've talked to thus far is thrilled!" extolled Shaw.

September 24, 2010


When we launched ARTreach back in May, I was excited.  Wow, a program to put instruments that are just sitting around collecting dust to use.  On top of that, we had a grant from NCHS so we could purchase a new instrument for each one we received.  The community embraced this outreach program with arms more open that we had anticipated.  It is great to live in such a generous community.
When we approached the band and orchestra directors, they were both excited and skeptical.  Their concerns were legitimate and were addressed the best we could.  Once school started, they embraced the program, bringing me names of students in need of an instrument.  Finally, we were going to get instruments repaired and purchased.  We were seeing the next step of the program come about.
While all of this was wonderful, it couldn't prepare you for giving the instrument to a student.  Too see the faces and excitement on a 6th or 7th grader makes the program more that you could imagine.  They come in excited, they are about to get an instrument.  Then you show them the instrument, the excitement grows.  It is more than they could have ever expected, and it is about to be theirs.  As they walk out of the building with the instrument in hand, they have a glow of excitement that is about to explode.  They are ready to go home and practice.
On top of all of this, you have the parents.  They don't want to tell their child they cannot play an instrument because they can't afford one.  So, there is a sigh of relief come over them when you tell them the instrument is ready.  They are so happy and grateful for the generosity of the community and NCHS to have a program like ARTreach. 
ARTreach is one of the most rewarding programs I have ever been a part of.  The expression on the student's face will melt any heart and make even the worst day turn around.

September 20, 2010

Busy weekend with more to come

Friday night was the last Gallery Walk of 2010.  We had lots of fun with the One Great Read hanging out with us and the Bum Ditty Barn Dance Band keeping us hopping with their great music.  The artwork is, as always, absolutely wonderful.  (If you missed it, you have until October 22 to check it out.) 
Sunday was Art on the Wabash.  How exciting to see our favorites and many new faces.  It is even more exciting when a new artist to the fair wins the People's Choice Award.  Donna Leuck won with her kitchen robots.  They are really cool.
On top of it all was the Apple Popcorn Festival.  Things are really hopping and only getting more exciting over the next month.  Starry Night Arts and Music Festival is October 1 with the Feast of the Hunters Moon that Saturday and Sunday.  Bravo Brunch is three weeks away, October 13.  (RSVP by Sept 27.)  Of course Third Friday, October 15.  The final Gallery Reception of 2010 at TAF, October 29.  There are lots of wonderful Arts, Music, and Cultural events happening in the next month, that I know I do not have them all.
To keep on top of the many events happening, check out

September 15, 2010

Final Gallery Walk of 2010

You know fall is just around the corner... our mornings are cooler, days are starting to shorten, and the last Gallery Walk is here.  Friday the 17th is the final Gallery Walk of 2010.  There are 24 businesses participating, with many new ones, along with our favorites.  Grab your favorite walking companion and take a stroll through downtown Lafayette.  While your at it, let us know what your favorite part of the Walks are?

August 19, 2010

2012 Gallery Series

I can't believe the 2010 Gallery Series is coming closer to the end.  We have three great shows up through Sept 10.  Then, there are only two more exhibitions left.  Time has surely flown by.  But don't fear, we have a get set of shows for 2011 all scheduled.  As we realize how fast time has gone, we start to think to the future: 2012.  We are accepting applications for exhibition in 2012.  All the information is available online.  The deadline for applications is November 12, 2010.  Of course, if you have any questions contact Paige.  She has all the answers, or will at least find them.

August 11, 2010


Everyone has been asking and anticipating the fall schedule.  Well, the brochure is finally done!  We have lots of new classes, all of which sound very exciting: songwriting, tattoo art and design, artful travel.  Of course, we have brought back the dance classes, clay arts classes, and 2-D arts for the younger students, and the DJ Spin classes.  Everything is available on the website, including enrollment,

July 21, 2010

ARTreach--keep the instruments coming!

In May 2010, the Tippecanoe Arts Federation announced the launch of ARTreach, a musical lending library outreach program.  Through the generosity of the community, the Federation collected over 55 musical instruments from flutes and clarinets to guitars and accordions.  "The community has generously surpassed our initial expectations," states Executive Director, Tetia Lee. 

While the Federation is looking towards the second phase, purchasing a brand new instrument for each instrument donated, they are still conducting the Instruments in the Attic campaign.  The community is asked to continue donating old or no longer used band and orchestral instruments.

This program seeks to benefit the area youth who could not otherwise afford the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. This program is made possible through a generous grant from North Central Health Services (NCHS) which allows for the creation and implementation of the ARTreach program in Tippecanoe County.

ARTreach is intended to provide Tippecanoe County students at the 6th grade level with the opportunity to learn an instrument. The concept of the lending library is to provide an instrument to a student that could be used for multiple years. The instruments will be reissued when they become available to cultivate an additional student's interest in music.  "It is our hope that this exposure to music during these critical years will cultivate life long enthusiasts for the arts and aid in the development of the child's cross discipline education" states Lee.

July 14, 2010

Vote Taste on WLFI

The weekly poll for WLFI is the Lafayette summer festivals.  Cast your vote today for Taste of Tippecanoe at

June 29, 2010

2010 Arts Capital Project and Capacity Building Grants

The reception for the Arts Capital Project and Capacity Building Grant Recipients was great.  Thank you to everyone who attended.  Congratulations to all those who received an award: Art Museum of Greater Lafayette, the Delphi Preservation Society, John E. Christian Family Memorial Trust, Arts in Action, Friends of the Frankfort Public Library, Arts Place, and Purdue Galleries.

Since 2004, NCHS has awarded well over one million dollars to arts and cultural organizations through the Tippecanoe Arts Federation.  TAF Executive Director Tetia Lee commented, "TAF is proud to be able to distribute these grants on behalf of NCHS.  The funded projects this year will enable these organizations to increase their capacity and to deliver enhanced programming and services to our local communities."  

May 18, 2010


ARTreach is going great.  The program has been recognized nationally in the Americans for the Arts newsletter.  
We have received over 25 instruments and more are coming in.  This is great, because this means we can purchase 25 new instruments for the students.  Just think of how many students will now get to learn an instrument that before would not have been able to.  Keep the instruments coming!

May 6, 2010

Launch of ARTreach

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is pleased to announce the launch of ARTreach, a musical lending library outreach program. This program seeks to benefit the area youth who could not otherwise afford the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. This program is made possible through a generous grant from North Central Health Services (NCHS) which allows for the creation and implementation of the ARTreach program in Tippecanoe County.

In the first phase of implementation, the Federation, in collaboration with Lafayette School Corporation, West Lafayette School Corporation and Tippecanoe County School Corporation, will conduct an Instruments in the Attic campaign. The community is asked to donate old or no longer used band and orchestral instruments for repair (flutes, clarinets, oboes, saxophones, tubas, etc.) For every one instrument donated, a brand new instrument will be purchased for the lending library with funds by NCHS. North Central Health Service Board Member Dr. Jim Poulos has already donated the program's first two instruments. Poulos regarded, "after I listened to the ARTreach presentation...I called my son Christopher and asked if he would mind donating his old instruments to the program. Christopher's mentor Mr. Don Isaacs, told Chris if and when he got finished with his instruments it would be a wonderful gesture to pass them on."

ARTreach is intended to provide Tippecanoe County students at the 6th grade level with the opportunity to learn an instrument. The concept of the lending library is to provide an instrument to a student that could be used for multiple years. The instruments will be reissued when they become available to cultivate an additional student's interest in music.  "It is our hope that this exposure to music during these critical years will cultivate life long enthusiasts for the arts and aid in the development of the child's cross discipline education" states Executive Director, Tetia Lee.

March 22, 2010

So many opportunities

There are so many opportunities for artists coming across our desks each week.  We are constantly updating the information as we receive it.  A few dates are just around the corner...

2010 Contemporary Realism Biennial
Fort Wayne Museum of Art
Deadline for submissions April 2, 2010

Annual Fundraiser for Tippecanoe Child Care
April 15, 2010

City of Lafayette requests proposals
from artists for public art to be presented
within the Arts & Cultural District of Downtown Lafayette, Indiana
Deadline for submissions extended to 4:00 pm April 30, 2010

Visit to learn more about these and other great opportunities!

February 26, 2010

City of Lafayette extends deadline of Public Art Project - Call for Artists

The City of Lafayette is extending the deadline for proposals from artists for public art within the Arts & Cultural District of Downtown Lafayette, Indiana.   At the urging of interested area artists the City is adding 60 days to the original deadline and will accept proposals now through April 30th at 4:00PM.

Four pieces of artwork will be selected by the Public Art Committee with the goal of adding to the City's permanent public art collections. Artists are encourage to be creative in their selection of materials while considering safety and maintenance common to publicly accessible works of art. Artists are also encouraged take into consideration the unique architectural or cultural history of Lafayette. All proposals are due at the Community Development and Redevelopment office in City Hall by April 30th, 2010, 4:00pm. For the complete submission information:  Call 765-807-1090 or e-mail for additional information.

February 11, 2010

Art Mix Call for Entries

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is seeking artists to participate in Art Mix, an event to showcase arts and artists within our region. The Art Mix kick off party is scheduled for April 17th, from 7:00 to 10:00pm at Black Sparrow in downtown Lafayette.  Artwork will be in three downtown venues for three weeks for patrons to view and purchase.  A minimum of $5000 in Purchase Awards will be awarded during Art Mix. Commitments from all artists interested in participating are due by March 13, 2010.

For more information and the Artist Commitment Form, visit:

Designs for Mural Requested

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is requesting design proposals for a mural. The site identified for the mural is on North River Road, behind Spurlocks West Restaurant in West Lafayette, Indiana. This is a paid opportunity for a qualified artist or team of artists working collaboratively to create a design. The Artist(s) chosen for the project will work collaboratively with area at-risk and underserved youth to execute the design.

The Mural Art Initiative is a collaborative educational outreach program that serves area at-risk and underserved youth populations. The three primary objectives of this multi-faceted program are to: beautify community areas vandalized by graffiti, visually promote the clear benefit of arts in our community, and provide a life-long positive impact on all project participants.

The application and additional information are available at All proposals are due by 5:00pm, March 12, 2010 to:

Tippecanoe Arts Federation
638 North St
Lafayette, IN 47901

All questions regarding the proposal should be directed to Tetia Lee at or (765) 423-2787.

The Mural Art Initiative is made possible through the generous sponsorship of PEFCU, Community Foundation, and Indiana Arts Commission.

January 28, 2010

City of Lafayette seeks Public Art

In January, the Indiana Arts Commission announced Downtown Lafayette/West Lafayette among the state's first cultural districts.  The new Tippecanoe Arts and Culture District is seeking artists for the Public Art Project. 

Four pieces of artwork will be selected by the Public Art Committee with the goal of adding to the City's permanent public art collections.  Artists are encourage to be creative in their selection of materials while considering safety and maintenance common to publicly accessible works of art.  Artists are encouraged take into consideration the unique architectural or cultural history of Lafayette. 

All proposals are due at the Community Development and Redevelopment office in City Hall by February 26, 2010, 4:00pm.  For the complete submission information:  Call 765-807-1090 or e-mail for additional information.

January 20, 2010

Website and E-mail working

The Tippecanoe Arts Federation's website and e-mails are up and running.  If you e-mailed us in the last few days, you may want to resend them.  Thank you for your patience!

January 19, 2010

No e-mail or website

DCWI's is not working and has not since yesterday afternoon. Therefore our website and e-mail is down. If you e-mailed us yesterday, we didn't get it. If you need to contact us please call us--423-2787. I will let you know once it is up and working. Thank you for your patience.

January 7, 2010

Young Audiences Workshop

The workshop, Arts for Learning, with Young Audiences has been postponed to Thursday, January 14 due to the weather.

Be safe everyone!